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Saturday, January 12, 2008

****4. As a parent I like helping out in the classroom because…


Anonymous said...

I enjoy seeing the dynamics of how things work and the relationships among the children. I get a better sense of the rules so I can adapt home rules to match better. But I always feel awkward as to letting the teacher correct or direct my child when I am there, however I feel in that situation it may be better to allow the teacher to do the reinforcements. My kids enjoy having me there but I can also see it has some tension as well.

Anonymous said...

I get giddy being in the classroom and observing my child and my child gets excited knowing I will be the parent helper. In a way, it's like being a fly on the wall and observing your child's interaction with classmates and the teachers. I enjoy seeing how the teachers are so caring about each individual student and how they can quickly get them to pay if I could just learn that secret at home! ha ha

Anonymous said...

I love helping in the classroom. I try to help out once a month, if there is space on the sign-up. It's nice to witness firsthand the stories they read, songs they sing, or what new friend they're talking about.

Although my daughter likes hearing I will be the "mommy-helper", I honestly think she prefers it when I'm not. She loves her teachers, and feels completely secure with them. I think she likes having her own space.

On the other hand, for my son (who was much more clingy), it was very comforting for him in the beginning to know there would be days I would be there with him. Once he got settled in, my volunteer days just became an extra-special day at school.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy seeing the relationships among the children and what the class is working on. It is also interesting to learn the rules that are enforced, so I can reinforce them at home. I think my child enjoys having me help as a special occassion, however I wonder/suspect it may change her regular classroom behavior.

Anonymous said...

I completely enjoy watching the children interact and getting to know all of the kids better. I also love to see the interesting activites that they're working on.

Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed helping in the classroom, although it was infrequent due to the fact that I always had a younger child at home. It was great to see my children enjoying school so much, and they were always so excited for me to be there. My mom (a retired preschool teacher) was especially thrilled to have the chance to be a (grand)parent helper in each of their classes, too.

Anonymous said...

I love helping in the classroom so that I can observe how the day is run and am always impressed with how well the teachers work together and run the classroom. I also appreciate that I don't feel pressured to be in the classroom but welcomed to help. My children have always loved when I am in the classroom.

Anonymous said...

I think Immanuel is wonderful and this is a great way for the parents to be involved. As a mom of 3 under the age of 4 I was overwhelmed wondering how I would ever do this. It is just understood that I can't as much right now, but when my youngest is in preschool I'll be able to help more. I love the family understanding environment.

Anonymous said...

Not only do I love helping out in the classroom, my husband looks forward to helping out as well. After helping out with our first daughter both years, he could not wait to help out with our second daughter. It's great to see them in the class environment interacting with other children. Quite often they are different then at home so it gives you a better perspective on them