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Monday, November 21, 2011

#262...A repost of #166! A helpful song to learn the sounds of letters!

In this video your child will see a picture and name for each object, and it will also show the upper and lowercase letter.  At preschool we use the terms, "grown-up A" and "child a".   It seems to work quite well!

Listening to and repeating the sound is also very helpfulness to the child!   If you click on the words "view on YouTube" it was give you a chance to watch it full screen, which is probably much better for your child.  There are also other suggested videos to the right for learning the alphabet and numbers.  Enjoy! (You might want to make sure the other videos are appropriate before you play them.  I have been surprised about what actually can be in an innocent looking video.)

#261...We love this song at preschool!

Laurie Berkner is a real favorite at Immanuel! If you want to see your child dance and laugh and sing, play this for them! It keeps them moving!