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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

#98....comments from parents!

I just looked at the video. Our children came home so excited to see all of the animals. As a working mom who cannot attend many of these things I appreciate you taking the time to post these.


I LOVED the photo story of all the children playing Bingo with the could just feel the fun and love in the room when watching it!


I just put my son down for nap and I had to share my thoughts with you. As he and I sat down for lunch at home today, he bowed his head and started saying grace (like we do for snack in Tot Class). I didn't ask him to do it and we weren't talking about it or anything - he just thought of it on his own. It was a really special moment to see him taking what he is learning in Tot Class and applying those lessons to other parts of his life. He has been changing and growing throughout this school year and in the past few weeks he has even started singing the songs along in class (not just at home or in the car). It has been a great year for both of us because not only has he enjoyed all of the activities in Tot Class but I have gotten to share in those moments with him. Thank you for providing us this opportunity. We are so glad to be a part of Immanuel Lutheran Preschool.

What a wonderful note and precious moment for you. Thank you for sharing it with me! It made my day! Teaching children about Jesus and His love is such an important part of our preschool. You will notice that even more in the next two years. Asking for forgiveness, saying you are sorry, sharing, caring, encouraging, and obeying are many of the words used daily in our classroom. There is no better way than to teach that through Jesus! I am so glad you are part of Immanuel also!
An email sent to a friend from a past preschool parent.
Blind copy sent to me.
I thought you might be interested in Immanuel Lutheran Preschool. We really did love this program, especially if you want to start or help getting faith instilled while they're still young . Feel free to say I sent you . They have NO BAD teachers .
We miss that school so much.....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

#97...Bingo Fun with the Golden Gems

We had a great time playing bingo with the Seniors at Immanuel. It was fun and heartwarming to see the young and old interacting. We certainly would enjoy doing that again!

Friday, January 15, 2010

#96...A Video Look at Reptileman! Wow!

#95...Reptileman Comes Again!!!!

What a show! Dave DiNaso visits us every other year with his fantastic animals!
His website is