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Sunday, December 12, 2010

#152...Red TOT Class Christmas Party

#151...Green TOT Christmas Party

#150....Our Amazing Christmas Program

Our preschool children sang so beautifully at the Christmas Program.   The church was filled with happy parents and grandparents listening and enjoying the children singing their praises to Jesus!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!   We love you!

This photostory is illustrated by the preschool children.  The dictation is in their own words!

"The angels sing!"

Saturday, October 9, 2010

#138...Red TOT Class - The wheels on the bus!

#137...Come to the Pumpkin Farm with us!

We had a wonderful time at the Pumpkin Farm!  The weather was absolutely perfect!   Sorry, if we did not get everyone on this video.   

Please leave your comments about the day we enjoyed so much!   Remember comments do not appear immediately, but will come at a later time.  It is a safety check so only people from our preschool can post comments!  Thank you!  We are looking forward to our next preschool event, Family Night!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

#135...PopioStumpf Photography

Heather and Chris will be back to take class photos on Thursday, October 28, and Friday, October 29!

Here is a sample of their wonderful photographs.  (Of course, this photostory does not reflect the detailed  high resolution photos which will be shot that day!)
More information will be sent home soon!

We look forward to seeing their great work and fun time they have with the preschool children!

Friday, September 24, 2010

#132...TOT Class Teddy Bear Day Fun!

Green TOT Class - 9am

I had the idea to show the story I read in TOT class in the photostory. My copy of the book was 45 miles away at preschool, so I found it online and used it, but you will see it is the version from England.  You will see the difference when it comes.  Who knew that "tiddly" means "tiny?"    :)   Sorry some photos are a little blurry!    Hope your children enjoy it.  LS

Red TOT Class - 10:45am

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

#131...More comments about the recent videos on this blog!

  • Priceless. Not only does Daddy get to see all the love and fun at school so do the grandparents. We are so blessed we found Immanuel Lutheran. Thanks for this wonderful idea and update. 
  • It is so fun to find your kids in the pictures. 
  • That was so wonderful! I loved it
  • I had tears in my eyes watching it!
  • Thanks you so much for sharing!  We love to see them...keep them coming  :)
  •  I LOVE the blog! I was just showing it to my coworkers and they really enjoyed it. It looks like the kids have such fun! Thank you for taking the time to write posts.

Monday, September 20, 2010

#132...Orange Class Glimpse!

#131...Red Class Glimpse

#130...Green Class Glimpse!

#128..."Where My Teddy?" Monday TOT Class

#127...VanGogh Sunflowers by the some 3's and 4's.

Oh - I wanted to let you know that M. came home the other day and said   "Mommy - do you know about Van Gogh?  He painted pictures of sunflowers, bedrooms and a starry night. "    I love it!  I happen to have a print of Starry Night and he was so excited to see it!  He's having a great time at school this year.  Thank you for everything! 

#126...Comments about the recent videos on this blog!

Parents can email me their comments also, and I will add them to the blog!
  • Cute video. How fun.
  • My son loves school so much.  This means so much to us.  We are truly blessed to have found Immanuel Lutheran!  
  • I just wanted to say thank you for sending this out!   It's so much fun to catch a glimpse of their experiences there at Immanuel.  I just loved and appreciated seeing this so much, thank you!
  • The video is cute!  It's nice b/c it gives my husband a chance to see what our daughter does.
  • looks great! thanks for sharing.  I can't wait to show my daughter in the morning. She'll love it!
  • Fun pictures of a fun first week!
  • I'm not sure if you are getting feedback, but I'd like to let you know that getting emails on blog updates is great for me!   I love seeing the videos and so does my child.
  • These are great - thanks, Linda!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

#120...1st Day of TOT - Green Class*

I have tried numerous times to download two
videos from the TOT classes and it is not happening!
Error! Error! Error! I will keep trying!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

#116...PopioStumpf Photography 773.320.4018

Coming soon to Immanuel Lutheran Preschool!

These words sum it up!

The photos show real joy, real emotion, and real personality!

They are timeless portraits showing your child’s inner self!

Siblings may also be in the photos!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

#114...Children's Message with Pastor James

#113...singing in church - 3 songs

"All night, all day. Angels watching over me, my Lord,
All night, all day. Angels watching over me."

"Father, Father You are by my side."
Jesus, Jesus, You are by my side.
Holy Spirit, You are by my side.
Alleluia, You are by my side."

"God's not dead! He is alive!"
And aren't we so GLAD about that!"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

#109....Friday TOT Classes-Bunny Ears and More!

#108...Blue Class - more fun with our dad

Hear and peek in at our dancing fun at Blue Class Dad's Night Out!!
Those dads can really move!!!
Make sure your child gets to see these photostories also! It will be a time to share thoughts of Dad's Night Out or the happenings at preschool! This blog is for your child and your family! Have time leave your comments. You can sign in as anonymous or also leave your name.... Comments may not appear right away.

#107...Blue Class Dad's Night Out

Isn't this first song great??? We sure had a great time!
17 in the class and all 17 dads came with their child! One dad even changed his business trip to be able to come!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

#98....comments from parents!

I just looked at the video. Our children came home so excited to see all of the animals. As a working mom who cannot attend many of these things I appreciate you taking the time to post these.


I LOVED the photo story of all the children playing Bingo with the could just feel the fun and love in the room when watching it!


I just put my son down for nap and I had to share my thoughts with you. As he and I sat down for lunch at home today, he bowed his head and started saying grace (like we do for snack in Tot Class). I didn't ask him to do it and we weren't talking about it or anything - he just thought of it on his own. It was a really special moment to see him taking what he is learning in Tot Class and applying those lessons to other parts of his life. He has been changing and growing throughout this school year and in the past few weeks he has even started singing the songs along in class (not just at home or in the car). It has been a great year for both of us because not only has he enjoyed all of the activities in Tot Class but I have gotten to share in those moments with him. Thank you for providing us this opportunity. We are so glad to be a part of Immanuel Lutheran Preschool.

What a wonderful note and precious moment for you. Thank you for sharing it with me! It made my day! Teaching children about Jesus and His love is such an important part of our preschool. You will notice that even more in the next two years. Asking for forgiveness, saying you are sorry, sharing, caring, encouraging, and obeying are many of the words used daily in our classroom. There is no better way than to teach that through Jesus! I am so glad you are part of Immanuel also!
An email sent to a friend from a past preschool parent.
Blind copy sent to me.
I thought you might be interested in Immanuel Lutheran Preschool. We really did love this program, especially if you want to start or help getting faith instilled while they're still young . Feel free to say I sent you . They have NO BAD teachers .
We miss that school so much.....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

#97...Bingo Fun with the Golden Gems

We had a great time playing bingo with the Seniors at Immanuel. It was fun and heartwarming to see the young and old interacting. We certainly would enjoy doing that again!

Friday, January 15, 2010

#96...A Video Look at Reptileman! Wow!

#95...Reptileman Comes Again!!!!

What a show! Dave DiNaso visits us every other year with his fantastic animals!
His website is