We were so busy at preschool this week and last week getting ready for Thanksgiving. Making turkey prints, turkeys with thankful feathers...words written down on each feather about what we are thankful for...we drew Pilgrim and Indian pictures and learned about Indian symbolic art...and we made turkey headbands and "gobbled" out the door!
Our Bible Story was "He Remembered to Say Thank You." It's all about Jesus and how He healed 10 men with leprosy. 10 men who wanted to go home to be with their families. 10 men who were healed, but only one came back to say "thank you!" to Jesus.
We said every day is a special time to thank God. Everyday His blessings come to us! Everyday He remembers us in so many ways. He never forgets us and we should always remember that!
At the end of one of the Jesus Times today one of the children said they wanted to pray. So it was suggested she say the words and we repeat them...sentence by sentence. It was beautiful! So many children wanted to participate. It was wonderful!
Enjoy your children! Enjoy your family! Enjoy your own parents! And thank the One who is in charge of our lives...every single day! He knows what is best for us and loves us...now and forever!
See you back after vacation! If you have some comments or interesting stories of your Thanksgiving Day...leave them on the blog to share with all of us!
Ready or not....Christmas is coming! The birthday of Jesus! I am sure you will be ready for that, right? We are already getting ready at preschool with so many fun songs! See you at our special Christmas Program on Saturday morning ...December 13...10:30AM!