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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Preschool parents will be asked to take this survey starting January 5 & 6. Check back!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
#37...Preschool Survey!
Please do not put any teacher's names. Keep it general…using words like "the staff" or "my child's teachers" etc.
You may write comments anonymously or not…it's up to you. Click on the "comments" area to leave your thoughts. There are a total of 7 questions.
Monday, December 15, 2008
# 36...preschool children with Tracy Butler - December 2
The little ones helped with the Chicago area Food Depository for the holidays!
I apologize for the quality of these videos.
I was given a good copy of the show, but I had make copies
of the shorter segments from the whole newscast.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
#35....Thanksgiving Time
We were so busy at preschool this week and last week getting ready for Thanksgiving. Making turkey prints, turkeys with thankful feathers...words written down on each feather about what we are thankful for...we drew Pilgrim and Indian pictures and learned about Indian symbolic art...and we made turkey headbands and "gobbled" out the door!
Our Bible Story was "He Remembered to Say Thank You." It's all about Jesus and how He healed 10 men with leprosy. 10 men who wanted to go home to be with their families. 10 men who were healed, but only one came back to say "thank you!" to Jesus.
We said every day is a special time to thank God. Everyday His blessings come to us! Everyday He remembers us in so many ways. He never forgets us and we should always remember that!
At the end of one of the Jesus Times today one of the children said they wanted to pray. So it was suggested she say the words and we repeat them...sentence by sentence. It was beautiful! So many children wanted to participate. It was wonderful!
Enjoy your children! Enjoy your family! Enjoy your own parents! And thank the One who is in charge of our lives...every single day! He knows what is best for us and loves and forever!
See you back after vacation! If you have some comments or interesting stories of your Thanksgiving Day...leave them on the blog to share with all of us!
Ready or not....Christmas is coming! The birthday of Jesus! I am sure you will be ready for that, right? We are already getting ready at preschool with so many fun songs! See you at our special Christmas Program on Saturday morning ...December 13...10:30AM!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
#33...Christmas Gifts

Hello to all!
Christmas is just around the corner and last year I wrote some suggestions for Christmas gift ideas for your child.
You can refer to POST #6 if you would like to read this. I did find a possible gift idea that sounded pretty good this year.
Fisher Price’s Computer Cool School A colorful first computer for your kids.
Our Test Moms Said: “Once you start the keyboard, you’re no longer in Windows, you are in the program, so you don’t have to worry about your child deleting files off your hard drive. To me, that alone makes the toy award-worthy.”
Why It’s a Winner: This kid size computer comes complete with a small-hand friendly keyboard, a stylus writing area, and five learning centers including reading, math, writing, art, music and science. Our test family raved about how easy this product is to use calling it a “smooth entry” to the world of computers. Just plug the keyboard into a USB port, and your child can play – no need for batteries or installation. If your child gets bored of the included software, you can purchase additional branded programs.
We hope Fisher Price will consider a few tweaks. We’d like to see a version for MAC, we’d like to see an option for a left-handed child, and we think that any first computer ought to have a mouse. Still, this is a parent friendly product with a kid friendly platform. Using bright bold colors and graphics, the visuals are compelling with lots of personalized touches. Everything is big and simple. Even the movements are slow enough that your child doesn’t get confused or lost on the screen. The best part about this product, though, is that you don’t need to alter your existing computer set up in any way.
Price: Retails for $60.00
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
#30...We're back!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
#29...staff says..."goodbye!"

We hope and pray you all have a happy and healthy summer! If Immanuel Lutheran Preschool is now in your family's past...we are so thankful you were with us for the 2, 4, 6, or sometimes even more years. God bless you all!
We look forward to our new families coming in September. Every family is a special part of our program and makes it what it is. We will certainly be ready for all of you in September and look forward to many new family connections!
Top row: Cathy Gruenwald, Sue Barrett, Tammy Simms, Janet Fechner
Bottom row: Linda Stumpf, Joanne Walthius, Mary Przybyl, Cindy Lithio
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
#25... Blue Class Dad's Night Out
Play the video and see the fun!
Leave a comment!!
Easy to do! Click on "comments" below!
Just follow the directions. Thanks!
Monday, April 7, 2008
#24...Yellow Class Dad's Night Out
Play the video and see the fun!
Leave a comment!!
Easy to do! Click on "comments" below!
Just follow the directions. Thanks!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
#23...Purple Class Dad's Night Out
Play the video and see the fun!
Leave a comment!!
Easy to do! Click on "comments" below!
Just follow the directions. Thanks!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
# 21... Orange Class Dad's Night Out
Play the video and see the fun!
Leave a comment!!
Easy to do! Click on "comments" below!
Just follow the directions. Thanks!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
# 19... Red Class Dad's Night Out
Play the video and see the fun!
Leave a comment!!
Easy to do! Click on "comments" below!
Just follow the directions. Thanks!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
# 17... Green Class Dad's Night Out
Play the video and see the fun!
Leave a comment!!
Easy to do! Click on "comments" below!
Just follow the directions. Thanks!
Friday, January 18, 2008
#15...TOT CLASS - Snow Day
PLAY video here....Making our snowmen!
Play video here...WOW! Do you like our snowmen?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
#14. . . Reptileman Photos and Movies

Reptileman (Dave DiNaso) visits our preschool. Adults and children enjoyed seeing and learning so much about the animals. How cool it was to have so many daddies there!! Lydia gets up close and personal with five foot long Dino the iguana. Avery lovingly holds the beautiful snakes!

PLAY the video to see Daniel and the tortoise
PLAY the video and see Lydia
(sort of rhymes....)
PLAY the video and see Avery wearing the newest
designer hat with Claussen the Australian green tree python!
Dave, our friend can be reached at 1-888 -SLITHER or 1-888-754-8437
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
#12....Survey Questions for Preschool Parents
I thought it would interesting for new families to hear your comments on things concerning Immanuel Lutheran Preschool.
Please do not put any teacher's names. Keep it general…
You may write comments anonymously or not…it's up to you.
You will need to click on "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page to view all the questions.
There you will also find a photostory of Marsha from the Downers Grove Fire Department.
Thank you so much! Linda Stumpf
Friday, January 11, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
#10....Back at preschool again!! Yeah!!

Mrs. Lithio had a fun day today with the Red Class, following up their story of the Little Red Hen. Unlike the hen's friends who said "Not I", and wouldn't help, EVERYONE in the Red Class wanted to help!
They ground wheat into flour, and really enjoyed playing with it. Later, the children turned the wheat flour into bread dough. Tomorrow, they will bake the bread.